The smartest smart contract framework
Verdict's opinionated smart contract framework is the best way to build the smart organizations of the future.
Token sale is live!
Tokens are contracts
Verdict offers an abstraction layer on top of a modified version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) which makes previously impossibly difficult contracts easy to develop.
Tokens in Verdict themselves are non-fungible and turing-complete, giving rise to new possibilities in contract and organization development.
Complex, like the real world
With traditional smart contracts, it's difficult to programmatically create and maintain the intricate relationships that exist between people and organizations. Because of this, most smart contracts are prohibitively simple.
Verdict manages the relationship lifecycle between individuals and account types. This makes blockchain development much more accessible to real businesses, like schools, workplaces, loyalty programs, and communities.
Comes with batteries
Verdict offers a large library of functionality which is desirable in real-world relationships, yet difficult to build on blockchains. By making these methods available in your contracts, you can build unimaginably functional networks and focus strictly on your business logic.
A sub-issuable token rule which allows a token to be transfered between a predetermined time period.
A sub-issuable token rule which allows a token to be traded to a particular address at a discount.
A sub-issuable token rule which restricts token transfers to whitelisted addresses.
A sub-issuable token rule which allows a token to be traded to a particular address at a premium.
A sub-issuable token rule which stops a token from being transfered after a predetermined timestamp.
A sub-issuable token rule which restricts token transfers to whitelisted account types.
A sub-issuable token rule which transfers token ownership between addresses at a predetermined timestamp.
A sub-issuable token rule which transfers a token to another address based on the result of an oracle event.
A sub-issuable token rule which revokes tokens at a predetermined timestamp.
A sub-issuable token rule which restricts token transfers based on originating address transfer activity.
A sub-issuable token rule which removes an active token rule after a specified event.
A sub-issuable token rule which restricts token transfers based on a contract member boolean.
A sub-issuable token rule which restricts token transfers to any but a list of blacklisted addresses.
Minimum viable contract
schoolDistrictTokenContract = { private state: { tokens: [] }, mutation transfer: function ( {message: Message, _state: State}, {tokenId: byte32, to: address}): State { const token: Token = _state.tokens[tokenId] if (token.owner !== message.sender) throw(‘Incorrect user’) _state.tokens[i].owner = to return _state } }
Transfer contract
Faster, safer, and much stronger
Verdict offers hosted private and public blockchains in addition to the global Verdict Public Chain (VPB). These chains are founded on top of Ethereum and Bitcoin but further extend them with more functionality.
Faster development*38%
Fewer software bugs*7x
More behaviors*
Created with Verdict
Verdict is in a tight developer preview, but the first organizations are already starting to emerge.
"We couldn't have built this network without Verdict."
—Ricardo Rodrigez, Verdict developerVerdict is allowing Ricardo to build a global mesh of golfing franchises in which owners can issue tokens which are interchangable between franchises but settle automatically.

"Only Verdict allows us to truly permission control our films."
Note Suwanchote, Film directorThe FilmClips Network uses Verdict to allow independent film directors to distribute films to viewers on a private chain. Verdict NFTs allow viewers to create a secondary market for trading access to the film, yet leave the directors in control and able to revoke access at any time.
Interested in joining our developer preview?
Start a network
We're looking to fund and/or advise talented blockchain entrepreneurs for a list of ideas which we'd like to see implemented on the Verdict Network. You can find the list in our whitepaper. If you think you'd be a good fit, please apply for our developer preview.
Why Verdict?
Verdict came to be after a disastrous blockchain implementation with a Seattle-based school network. The network required several many-to-many relationships that hadn't been modeled on blockchains before. The solution we crafted came to be called Verdict. Read the postmortem in our whitepaper.
We're a blockchain consulting group turned engineering team whose tackling some of the biggest problems in the cryptocurrency space.
Nikk Wong
Software entrepreneur, blockchain developerWeiyou Wang
Software entrepreneur, blockchain developerTony Vu
Product developmentJavon Bangs
Director of operationsJaewon Em
Blockchain developerAngelica Huang
Blockchain developerVan Nguyen
Business developmentJustin Le
Blockchain developer
Token sale
What is Verdict Token?
Verdict Token is our proprietary cryptocurrency designed to facilitate transactions on the Verdict Public Blockchain, the global version of the Verdict ecosystem.
Fixed Limit
30,000,000 USD
Soft Cap
3,000,000 USD
1 ETH = 2,500 VRD
Min Purchase
0.1 ETH / 250 VRD
January 12 — 9:00AM PST
April 2 — 11:59PM PST
Early Bird Bonus
BonusDays 1-15
BonusDays 16-43
BonusDays 44-71
Jan 12 – Jan 27 : 1 ETH = 2,500 VRD + 33% BonusJan 28 – Feb 24 : 1 ETH = 2,500 VRD + 27% BonusFeb 25 – Mar 20 : 1 ETH = 2,500 VRD + 25% Bonus-
Bounty Program